839. Similar String Groups
一个单词是组内任意单词swap两个字符得来,则它也属于同一组,问给定一系列单词能组成多少组。判断是否同组用union find。
* @lc app=leetcode id=839 lang=cpp
* [839] Similar String Groups
* https://leetcode.com/problems/similar-string-groups/description/
* algorithms
* Hard (35.38%)
* Likes: 192
* Dislikes: 64
* Total Accepted: 11.1K
* Total Submissions: 31.1K
* Testcase Example: '["tars","rats","arts","star"]'
* Two strings X and Y are similar if we can swap two letters (in different
* positions) of X, so that it equals Y.
* For example, "tars" and "rats" are similar (swapping at positions 0 and 2),
* and "rats" and "arts" are similar, but "star" is not similar to "tars",
* "rats", or "arts".
* Together, these form two connected groups by similarity: {"tars", "rats",
* "arts"} and {"star"}. Notice that "tars" and "arts" are in the same group
* even though they are not similar. Formally, each group is such that a word
* is in the group if and only if it is similar to at least one other word in
* the group.
* We are given a list A of strings. Every string in A is an anagram of every
* other string in A. How many groups are there?
* Example 1:
* Input: ["tars","rats","arts","star"]
* Output: 2
* Note:
* A.length <= 2000
* A[i].length <= 1000
* A.length * A[i].length <= 20000
* All words in A consist of lowercase letters only.
* All words in A have the same length and are anagrams of each other.
* The judging time limit has been increased for this question.
* @lc app=leetcode id=839 lang=cpp
* [839] Similar String Groups
class Solution
class UnionFind
vector<int> parents;
int size;
UnionFind(int N) : size(N), parents(N)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
parents[i] = i;
int find(int x)
while (parents[x] != x)
parents[x] = parents[parents[x]];
x = parents[x];
return x;
void un(int x, int y)
x = find(x);
y = find(y);
if (x != y)
parents[x] = y;
int numSimilarGroups(vector<string> &A)
const int N = A.size();
const int W = A[0].size();
UnionFind uf(N);
const auto similar = [](const string &a, const string &b) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
if (a[i] != b[i])
if (count >= 3)
return false;
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; ++j)
if (similar(A[i], A[j]))
uf.un(i, j);
return uf.size;
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